Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ishq Subhan Allah 6th December 2019 || Serial Latest Update News || Upcoming Twist

Ishq Subhan Allah 6th December 2019 || Serial Latest Update News || Upcoming Twist

ज़ी टीवी के सीरियल इश्क सुभान अल्लाह के आने वाले एपिसोड में आप देखने वाले हैं आखिरकार कबीर और रुखसार का निकाह हो ही जाएगा रुखसार बनजाएगी कबीर की दुल्हन जैसा कि आपको पता ही है कि रुखसार कबीर से प्यार करती है और वह चाहती थी कि कबीर उससे निकाह करें और फाइनली कबीर ने रुखसार से निकाह करने का फैसला लिया दरअसल हम आपको बता दे पूरी कहानी यह है कि रुखसार ने बच्चों को जरिया बनाकर कबीर को शादी के लिए आखिर मना ही लिया जी हां रुखसार ने झूठ कह दिया कबीर से वह बच्चों की देखभाल करेगी बस एक बार उससे शादी कर ले जहां
 पर कबीर रुखसार की बातों में आ गया वही हम आपको बता दे आने वाले ट्रक में आग देखने वाले हैं जब जारा आएगी कबीर के पास वह देखेगी कि कबीर ने रुखसार से निकाह कर लिया है
 जहां जारा के पैरों तले जमीन खिसक जाएगी फिलहाल आने वाले ट्रक में यह देखना बेहद ज्यादा दिलचस्प होगा जारा कैसे रुखसार का असली चेहरा कबीर के सामने लाएगी और कबीर को यह बताएगी कि बच्चों को जरिया बनाकर रुखसार ने कबीर से निकाह किया है यह सारी अपडेट जानने के लिए आप हमारे चैनल को फॉलो कीजिए और पाइए अपने फेवरेट टीवी शो से जुड़ी हर खबर सबसे पहले वैसे यह खबर आपको कैसी लगी अपने कमेंट के जरिए जरूर से जरूर बताएं

Muskan - 5th December 2019 | Today Episode Review | Upcoming Twist | Muskaan Serial Latest News

Muskan - 5th December 2019 | Today Episode Review | Upcoming Twist | Muskaan Serial Latest News

स्टार भारत के मोस्ट पॉपुलर सीरियल मुस्कान के आज एपिसोड में यह दिखाया जाए रोशनी मुस्कान जैसे ही आते हैं सर जी मूल रोशनी से कहते हैं के जाओ मिस्टर ओए जल्दी से तैयार हो जाओ और रोशनी चली जाती हो और मुस्कान सर जी के पैर पकड़ लेती है और कहती है कि आपकी दुश्मनी मुझसे है तो मुझसे बदला लीजिए मेरी बेटी के साथ ऐसा क्यों कर रहे हो सर जी कहते हैं कि लूंगा तेरी बेटी से बदला और तू मेरा कुछ भी नहीं बिगाड़ सकती इधर रोनक का सर बहुत ज्यादा भारी हो रखा हॉरर का होता है और वह कहता है पता नहीं मेरे सर में क्यों क्यों दर्द हो रहा है इतने में ही खुशी आती है वह कहती है कि मुझे नींद नहीं आ रही है मुझे स्टोरी सुना दीजिए तो नकुशी स्टोरी सुनाते सुना देता है
और पता नहीं आज मुस्कान की याद क्यों आ रही है तभी वहां पर निशा आ जाती है कहती है कि क्या क्या हुआ रौनक रोनक कहता है कुछ नहीं मुझे पता है आपको मुस्कान की याद आ रही है इस पर रौनक बहाना बनाकर कहता है कि मुझे नींद आ रही है मैं आराम करने जा रहा हूं जरीन इसरो नको रोकते हुए कहती है मुस्कान की याद आ रही है तो आप मुझसे शेयर कर सकते हो एक पत्नी नहीं एक दोस्त की हैसियत से लेकिन रोनक उसकी हैसियत नहीं सुनता भाग से चला जाता है
 इधर सर जी मुस्कान कहते हैं कि तेरी सौ छोटी मुस्कान नाचने वाली कैसे बनाता हूं और हां तू कहां गई थी बिटवा से मिलने गई थी ना जैसे पहले बिटवा से मिलकर अपने झांसे में फंसा कर उसे मेरे खिलाफ कर दिया था ऐसे ही फिर करना चाहती है लेकिन अब तू अपनी चाल में कामयाब नहीं हो पाएगी तेरी तो वैसी यह पहचान है तू एक कोठे वाली है कोठेवाली ही रहेगी मुस्कान कहती है नहीं लेकिन मुस्कान सर बातों को समझ नहीं पाते कि वह जहां गई थी वहां रौनक रहता है और कहता है कि मैं अपने मैं अपने रोनक जी को एक एक न एक दिन जरूर ढूंढ लूंगी सर जी की अच्छा समझ ले तक तूने ढूंढ ही लिया उसे बताएगी क्या तेरी बेटी एक नचनिया फिर वह क्या सोचेगा वह तेरी बात मानेगा उसे तो शर्मिंदगी भी रोएगी इधर निशा यह सोच रही है मैं रोनक जी को कैसे पटाऊं तभी रानी की मां आ जाती है और कहती है कि तूने चल तूने जो दोस्ती का हाथ बढ़ाया है ना बहुत ही बहुत ही अच्छा है निशा भाषा चली जाती है इधर रोशनी डांस करने के लिए बहुत ज्यादा रहता होती है कहती है कि आज तुम आज तो हम बिल्कुल हीरोइन लग रहे हो और सुबह से कहती है जब इन लोगों को मेरा डांस करवाया है तो जल्दी से क्यों ना करवा रहे हैं इधर सर जी मुस्कान से कहते हैं कि आप कुछ नहीं कर सकती तभी मुस्कान कांच का गिलास तोड़ अपने हाथ पर मार लेती है जिस से खून निकलने लगता है और कहते जब मैं यहां पर मर जाऊं की तो आप को पुलिस ले जाएगी सर जी कहते हैं कि पुलिस तो मेरी जेब में है मुस्कान एनजी वाले ही परेशान कर देंगे आपको फिर सोचो अब आपका बिजनेस केस बर्बाद हो जाएगा और रोशनी तो आपके हाथ से जाएगी जाएगी इधर रोनक सोनी विश करता है लेकिन उसके सर में दर्द हो रहा है होता है लेख कहता है कि पता क्यों मुझे मुस्कान की याद आ रही इतनी याद आ रही है तभी वहां पर निशा आ जाती है और कहती है कि मैं आपके सर में बम लगा लगा देती हूं
इतने में रौनक को प्रिंसिपल का फोन आ जाता है वह वह पूछती है कि मैं मेरा मैडम को आपके घर क्या वह आप से मिलने आई थी रोनक ने कहा यहां पर तो कोई नहीं कोई नहीं आया था तो प्रिंसिपल रोनक से रिक्वेस्ट करती है कि क्या आप एक बार आ जाइए हम बैठ कर बात करते हैं रोनक कहता है कि ठीक है फोन कट कर देता है और निशा से कहता है कि मैं स्कूल जाऊं सही रहेगा कि नहीं यह सुनकर तो निशा घर पर आग जाती है की बात पर रोनक जी गए तो वहां पर मुस्कान मिल गई तो मुझे तो घर से निकलना ही और रौनक से कहती है
आपकी जगह में होती कभी नहीं जाती जहां पर मेरे बच्चे को इतना परेशान क्या जाता हो और अब आपकी मर्जी क्योंकि आप जो घर करते हैं वह सही सही करते हैं और फिर से कहती है कि मैं आयुर्वेदिक दवाई पोटली लेकर आई यह सुनकर रोना को गुस्सा आ जाता है वह कहता है
 कि नहीं मुझे तो बस आराम की जरूरत है और वहां से चला जाता है निशा सुन के अब मैं रोनक जी को कैसे मनाऊं तभी वहां पर रानी की मां आ जाती है निशा को समझाने की कोशिश करती है और निशा उसकी भी बात नहीं सुनती इधर सर जी मुस्कान मुस्कान को कुर्सी देते हैं और कहते हैं कि देखो मैं तुम्हारे सामने सिलेंडर करो कर रहा हूं और एक लहंगा देते हुए कहते हैं कि इसे पहनकर तुम स्टेज पर नाचना और पता है
कैसा नाचना जैसे तुमने पहले मेरे सामने नाचा था और मैं बिल्कुल  तुमने मेरे सामने नाचा था और मैं बिल्कुल नाच देख कर बहुत ही ज्यादा मस्त हो गया था ऐसे ऐसे ही नाचना और सब को बेहोश कर देना और चले जाते हैं और मुस्कान बहुत ज्यादा परेशान हो जाती है आज का एपिसोड यहीं समाप्त हो जाता है तो दोस्तों आपको क्या लगता है अब आगे क्या होने वाला है जाने के लिए देखते रहिए मुस्कान और सीरियल के हमारी जानकारी के लिए हमारे चैनल को सरप्राइज कीजिए और रजनी फ्रेंच

मुस्कान शो मुस्कान की कहानी

 स्टार भारत पर टेलीकास्ट होने वाले आप सभी के फेवरेट शो मुस्कान की कहानी में आप एक-दो नहीं बल्कि आप सभी को काफी सारा टर्निंग प्वाइंट देखने को मिलेगा और यह सारा टर्निंग पॉइंट एक नई कहानी और लेकर जाएगा वह भी कल रात के एपिसोड में यानी कि 3 दिसंबर के एपिसोड में 3 दिसंबर के एपिसोड में आप देखेंगे कि खुशी के पास जाएंगी आप सभी की मुस्कान यानी कि मुस्कान रौनक के पास भी जाने वाली है जी हां मुस्कान यहां पर रोशनी के साथ घूम कर आई हैं और मुस्कान उन्हें बताइए उनका घर है और जैसे ही वह घर के अंदर एंट्री करेंगी यहां पर रौनक और खुशी एक साथ डांस कर रहे होंगे और यह डांस देखकर यहां पर मुस्कान पूरी तरह से हो जाएंगे खुशी से यहां पर काफी खुश लेकिन आप सभी को बता दें इसी बीच यहां पर तभी आएंगे निशा और निशा को यहां पर आप सभी की खुशी के साथ देखकर वह हैरान होंगी क्योंकि खुशी यहां पर निशा को मम्मी कहते हुए बुलाएंगे और यह सभी देखकर आप सभी की मुस्कान शॉक्ड हो जाएंगे और समझ जाएंगे उन 6 सालों में रौनक उसको भूल चुके हैं और वह मूव ऑन कर चुके हैं तो अब ऐसे में यहां पर अब यह देखना बेहद खास होगा कि किस तरह से चीजें आगे एक नया ट्विस्ट के साथ आगे बढ़ती हुई आप लोगों को दिखाई जाएगी एक नई कहानी

 यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है Today 2nd December 2019 Full Episode

यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है के आज के एपिसोड में अक्षत कार्तिक को बहुत मारता है
और यह होता कैसे है चलिए आपको बताते हैं पर इसके पहले अगर आपने हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब नहीं किया है तो नीचे दिए गए सब्सक्राइब बटन को क्लिक जरूर कीजिए और उसके साइड का बैल आइकन भी ताकि जब भी हम किसी सीरियल का स्पॉयलर अपलोड करें आपको तुरंत नोटिफिकेशन आ जाए आज के एपिसोड में अक्षत काय रब को नीचे फेंकता है
 और वहां से जाता है वेदिका दौड़कर वहां आती है और देखती है कि कारअब एक रोड में लटका हुआ है और सोचती है अगर जोर से आवाज लगाऊंगी तो अक्षत सुन लेगा और वापस आ जाएगा और अपनी लाइफ को रिस्क में डाल ब्रिज के नीचे जाती है बड़ी मुश्किल से काय रब को अपनी गोद में लेकर नीचे लटकती है नायरा यह सब देख जोर से काय रब और वेदिका चिल्लाती है यह सब सुन लेते हैं अक्षत सोचता है कि उसने वेदिका क्यों चिल्लाया कहीं मेरा बदला अधूरा तो नहीं रह गया सब वेदिका काय रब की तरफ जाते हैं
 वेदिका कोशिश करती है काय रब को अपने पेट पर पकड़ कर ऊपर जाने की अक्षत यह देख लेता है और उनकी तरफ आता है तभी वह कार्तिक और नायरा को भी वहां आते देख लेता है
और छिप जाता है कार्तिक और नायरा पहले करब को ऊपर लाते हैं फिर वेदिका को और वेदिका को थैंक्यू बोलते हैं कारक को बचाने के लिए कायरन अक्षत को देख लेता है और कहता है के उन बेड वाले अंकल ने मुझे पकड़ा था कार्तिक अक्षत के पीछे भागता है और अक्षत भी जंगल के अंदर भागता है नायरा का रब से कहती है
बेटा आप वेदिका आंटी के साथ घर जाओ मम्मा पापा को लेकर आ जाएगी और कार्तिक के पीछे जंगल के अंदर भागती हैं और तीनों जंगल के अंदर जाते हैं नक्श समर्थ और पुलिस वहां पर आते हैं वेदिका काय रब को समर्थ के पास दे जंगल की तरफ जाती है नक्श और पुलिस के साथ यह कहकर कि अक्षत बहुत खतरनाक है कार्तिक अक्षत को पकड़ता है और उसे मारता है अक्षत कार्तिक की आंखों में मिट्टी डाल उसे मारने लगता है नायरा रोड से अक्षत को मारती है कार्तिक नायरा को जाने के लिए कहता है
 नायरा अक्षत को बहुत मारने लगती है कार्तिक अपना कॉन्शसनेस खोता है नायरा उसे संभाल लेती है उसके पहले कि वह पत्थर से टकराए अक्षत वहां से भाग जाता है नायरा हेल्प के लिए आवाज देती है कार्तिक को आंखें खोलने के लिए कहती है वेदिका नक्श पुलिस नायरा की आवाज सुन लेते हैं और उनकी तरफ आते हैं कार्तिक अपनी आंखें खोलता है नायरा रोती है और कहती है
1 मिनट में जान जा रही थी मेरी और कहती है खुद तो आई लव यू बोल कर वहां से चले गए मुझे कहने का मौका ही नहीं दिया आई लव यू दोनों इमोशनल होते हैं वेदिका यह देख लेती है समर्थ काय रब को लेकर गोयनका विला आता है
सभी लोग काय रब को देख खुश होते हैं नक्शा और पुलिस नायरा और कार्तिक के पास पहुंचते हैं नायरा उन्हें कहती है अक्षत उस डायरेक्शन में भागा था पुलिस अक्षत को ढूंढने के लिए उस डायरेक्शन में जाती है वेदिका पूछती है कार्तिक नायरा आप दोनों ठीक हो ना और फिर कार्तिक की चोट को देखती है कार्तिक कहता है अभी ठीक हो नायरा ने बचा लिया वेदिका नायरा को थैंक यू बोलती है
 उसके हस्बैंड को बचाने के लिए नायरा चुप हो जाती है यह सुनकर और वही आज का एपिसोड खत्म हो जाता है अगले एपिसोड में कार्तिक नायरा को पीछे से हक करता है नायरा उसे छोड़ने को कहती है तो कार्तिक उसे नहीं छोड़ता है काय राव और वंश वेदिका को आकर कैमकॉर्डर देते हैं यह कहकर कि इसमें तो आवाज ही नहीं आ रहा वेदिका वीडियो देखती है और शौक होती है अब आपको क्या लगता है
 ऐसा क्या देखा होगा वेदिका ने वेदिका समझ जाएगी कि अभी भी कार्तिक नायरा से प्यार करता है वेदिका क्या उसे खुद छोड़ कर चली जाएगी अपने राय कमेंट सेक्शन में जरूर बताएं अब वक्त है फैन क्विज के सवाल का आज का सवाल यह है कि अपनी शादी के दिन नायरा ने किस का लहंगा पहना था ए स्वर्णा बी अक्षरा सी वर्षा अपनी राय कमेंट सेक्शन में जरूर बताएं

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mayawati's big disclosure to Raja Bhaiya on losing the Rajya Sabha election today

Mayawati's big disclosure to Raja Bhaiya on losing the Rajya Sabha election today.

After losing the Rajya Sabha elections, the politics of the U.P. has become very interesting. After losing the Rajya Sabha elections, Mayawati has made it even more interesting by press conferences

Wherever Mayawati is attacking Akhilesh Yadav, if I do not fall into the clutches of Akhilesh Yadav Kunda's hoax, maybe we can save this seat, Mayawati said that Akhilesh shouted, if I were in her place, I would try to win the SP's candidate. I believe Akhilesh will gradually become productive.

Along with this, Mayawati made a great disclosure and said that Raja Bhaiya has betrayed Akhilesh Yadav as Raja Bhaiya has not voted for the SP in the Rajya Sabha, but has given a vote for BJP in the name of Raja Bhaiya Akhilesh, along with Mayawati. 

Pankhi seal on the matter took place when Akhilesh Yadav deleted the tweet of thank you to Raja Bhaiya, telling you that till yesterday, Suspense was about the Raja Bhaiya. He will vote for the SP or BJP because he had refused to vote for the BSP but afterwards, Raja Bhaiya declared a vote of SP for a press conference.

 Afterwards, I came to know that Raja Bhaiya has voted for BJP only. Not to SP, however, Raja Bhaiya denied that he has not voted for BJP.

But today, Mayawati, while removing the curtains from the last suspense, said that the vote of Raja Bhaiya has gone to the BJP and not the SP, and Akhilesh Yadav himself has made a surety seal on this, by destroying the tweets made to Raja  Bhaiya.


Elections have passed, and everyone has the same questions in mind, who will win and will become 2019 will be the Prime Minister of India and who will win the country's largest election.

Our beloved leader Narendra Modi is the most popular leader in the country and under his leadership, the 2019 election is so much that Modi can win the election again so that the BJP can win again.
We all know that all the parties are ready to fight against Narendra Modi for a fight. All are preparing for it all. Modi Ji is claiming that the seat is confirmed. Modiji has become prime minister ever since BJP has won the elections in all the states, you know that Narendra Modi Ji has not only been involved in the good leaders of the world but the BJP never thought of it BJP is getting more than that.

Nagaland Tripura is the example of this: Today, the child of the house knows Modi Ji, and all the parties are gathered and the support of Social Sides has been trying to show Modi Jee but it does not make any difference to Modiji's party. The social media team brings out the work of BJP: In 2014 BJP won the elections with a lot of votes. Shelves had ratified his victory |

In 2019 BJP can reassert it, again and again, Modi gives more importance to Hindus, due to which Modi is more Voter Hindutva. All the other parties are winning Muslims and other castes by keeping them together. He has decided to take the victory and is ready to defeat all the other parties. That is why due to this, the other leader takes off the cap and goes to the temple and begins to take the crown.

All this is happening to break the voting of BJP's Hindutva. This thing may be wrong for you but this is the truth of today. India is the only country where elections are won in the name of religion. Other parties have not been able to touch Hindus, then no one can stop them for the BJP. BJP has a lot of good leaders who have a way to speak and they can pull the people on their side.

BJP is ready to go ahead Narendra Modi Sushma Swaraj and Ravi Shankar Arun Jaitley Amit Shah Yogi Aditya Nath and Smriti Irani Spokesperson are included in the BJP, due to this, BJP can draw their flag in 2019, all these workers are constantly interviewing  And keeps telling everyone about the party's work, which makes the BJP even stronger. Have you seen leaders like Narendra Modi Amit Shah giving an interview on TV? Have you ever seen Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi giving interviews? Just keep on displaying Modi Ji if he will be seen too little. In the other party, due to lack of good leaders in BJP, the BJP is firmly established, after the arrival of Amit Shah, BJP has become strong and in all the states, it will be in the hands of Amit Shah in 2019. Which is 90% of the success, the BJP will win the coming elections.

BJP was not able to get any state in the elections of 2014 in order to save its head in the opposition. So far all of them have been engaged in finding some state for themselves but we have to say that Modiji is stronger due to this reason. In 2019, there is no opposition in front of Modiji, but all the parties are trying to bring their families forward, which will never win the opposition.

All the leaders who come in front of BJP are not able to stand in front of Modi Ji, because of the family dispute in the parties, the parties remain behind, which makes BJP a lot of beneficiaries. There is also a lack of leaders and workers in the opposition parties. Because of which BJP is benefiting from the BJP's work due to the opposition parties as much as possible.

BJP prepares to make its leader more capable: BJP has become a government which is trying to do its best work. BJP is strengthening its organization.

In the year 2019, the Modi government is going to fight the biggest issue, the issue of development, which will know which party has developed more. In India, the Modi government has done many such jobs in which his government has become strong, like the merit study in Make in India And tried to push India forward by taking advantage of such a bright plan.

Believe it or not, in the coming time, Modi will always be as surely as if you were not sure about this, you can go to big cities like Indore or you should ask those women who get up in the morning to get to the toilet It had to go out. It was India's biggest deficit about which nobody had paid attention to independence from today which Modi took up the issue and corrected it. Similarly, bright planning Modi has invested his life by opening a bank account for all the poor people, whom Modi will be able to achieve in his upcoming elections, and perhaps more.

The biggest importance of this will be news channels, which are now preparing for the elections, in which it will be seen tomorrow that the spokesmen of all the parties tell their party's work, which gives a lot of benefit to the BJP.

Narendra Modi's news

Hello friends, today we are going to tell you about your country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi I have not come nor have I been sent to me.
 Ganga has called me. It is your PM Narendra Modi when he steps in Mahadev's city Kashi With the belief that Narendra Modi had asked the people of Banaras together with the same people, the people of Benaras put Narendra Modi on their faces if today Kashi If you are known by name and name, then it is PM's parliamentary constituency in Varanasi in 2019, there is only some time left in the elections due to which many political parties have raised their guts. Modi has shown the dream of making Varanasi like Kyoto.
 Varanasi is one number in the list. Modi now wants to focus on the entire focus on Varanasi, when it comes in front of the public in 2019, it is to tell how much Varanasi 2014 has become different from the year 2019. Now the PM Modi's army will camp in Varanasi for next three months now, 25 ministers of the central government are now going to spend their entire time in Varanasi so that they can raise news related to their own department in the coming three months and details of their work. May be able to get the most from Modi's army, 
Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, who had organized 5000 farmers on September 1, last week. Nawaz Sinha, Varanasi and other Lok Sabha constituencies along with the Railways will meet the colonizers, along with the lawyers, along with the Chartered Account of Law Minister, Minister of State, Shri Pratap Shukla, along with the rickshaw drivers, Minister of Roads and Transportation Mansukh Mandalia, doctors working in the health sector. Will meet with Health Minister Jepin Haun in the same village With the help of Menaka Gandhi, working with women and women and weavers and saris, artists will work with Smith Rani, which means that a lot of work has been done in all these works, Narendra Modi's army will keep an eye on it. Varanasi is going to be the city of dreams of Modi very soon, on the banks of the 

PM Modi, Former Prime Minister Of Nepal Discuss Indo-Nepal Relations

The prime minister fondly recalled their previous interactions and thanked 

Prachanda for his valuable contributions in strengthening India-Nepal relations.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted on Saturday the contribution of former Nepal premier Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' in strengthening the relations between the two countries.
Mr Prachanda, also the co-chairman of the Nepal Communist Party, called on PM Modi in Delhi.
"The two leaders discussed the progress in India-Nepal relations, as well as other issues of mutual interest," a statement from the Prime Minister's Office said.
It said the prime minister fondly recalled their previous interactions and thanked Prachanda for his valuable contributions in strengthening India-Nepal relations.
Recalling his two visits to Nepal this year, the prime minister said that India-Nepal relations have received a boost in momentum with frequent high-level interactions.



आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है प्रधान मंत्री नरेंदर मोदी जी के बारे में जिनका जीवन बहुत ही सीधा सादा रहा है वे एक गरीब परिवार में पैदा हुए उन्होंने अपने जीवन में बहुत मेहनत करके आज इस मुकाम पर पहुंचे है बचपन के दिनों में जब सब बच्चे खेलने कूदने में लगे रहते है तब मोदी ने अपने पिता का साथ दिया और काम किया ट्रैन के डिबो में जा जा कर चाय बेचीं किसी ने भी नहीं सोचा होगा की वो आने वाले समय में इतने बड़े नेता बनेगे लेकिन दोस्तों आपने कभी नहीं सोचा होगा की हम कठिन से कठिन काम करने में भी सक्षम हैआज हम आपको मोदी जी के बारे में बताएंगे चाय बेचने से लेकर प्रधान मंत्री बनने का सफर मोदी जी का जन्म 17 दिसंबर 1950 को मुंबई में मेहसान जिले में हुआ मोदी जी का ये स्थान गुजरात में पड़ता है नरेंदर मोदी के पिता का नाम दामोदर मोदी था माँ का नाम हिरा बेन मोदी है जन्म के समय उनका परिवार बहुत गरीब थामोदी जी अपने माता पिता के 6 सन्तानो में से एक है जो 3 स्थान पर आते है मोदी के पिता रेलवे स्टेशन पर चाय की दुकान लगाते थे जिसमे नरेंदर मोदी उनका हाथ बटाते  थे और रेल के डिब्बों में चाय बेचते थे मोदी जी काम के साथ साथ अपनी पढाई को भी पूरा महत्त्व दिया टीचर बताते थे की नरेंदर मोदी पढाई में थड़े कमजोर थे लेकिन वो नाटकों और भाषणों में बढ़ चढ़ कर हिंसा लेते थे उनको इस काम में बहुत दिलचस्पी थी उन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई वर्ड नगर से की 13 साल की उम्र में उनकी सगाई यशोधा बहन चमनलाल के साथ कर दी गयी और 17 साल की उम्र में उनकी शादी हो गयी एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार मोदी और यशोधा बेहन ने कुछ साल साथ में बिताये थेलेकिन कुछ समय बाद वे दोनों अलग होंगे लेकिन उनके लेखकों का मानना है की वे दोनों कभीं इकट्ठे नहीं रहे है कुछ वर्षो बाद मोदी ने घर छोड़ दिया था जिससे मोदी जी का विवाहिक जीवन से ध्यान हट गया था नरेंदर मोदी जी का मानना है की अविवाहित इंसान भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ ज्यादा मज़बूती से लड़ पाएगा क्युकी उसे अपने पत्नी परिवार और बच्चो की कोई चिंता नहीं रहती बचपन से ही मोदी जी के अंदर देशभक्ति कूट कूट के भरी गयी थी 1962 में जब भारत और चीन का युद्ध हुआ था तब मोदी जी ने रेलवे स्टेशन पर जवानो के लिए चाय और खाना लेके जाते थे 1965 में जब भारत और पकिस्तान का युद्ध हुआ|

मोदी जी ने जवानो की बहुत सेवा की 1971 में वे आरएसएस के प्रचारक बन गए अधिकतर समय आरएसएस को देने लग गए वे सुबह 5 बजे उठ कर देर रात काम करते रहते थे प्रचारक होने की वज़ह से मोदी जी ने गुजरात में सब जगाहो पर जाकर लोगो की मुश्किलों का महत्व समझा और फिर भारतीय जनता पार्टी को मज़बूत करने में एहम रोल निभाया 1975 के समय में इंद्रागांधी के राज में विवाद की वजह से कई राज्यों में आपात्कालीन घोषित कर दिया था और तब आरएसएस जैसी संस्थाओ पर भी रोक लगा दी थी फिर भी मोदी चोरी चोरी देश की सेवा करते रहे और सरकार की गलत नीतियों का जम कर विरोध किया उसी समय मोदी जी ने एक किताब लिखी संघर्ष माँ गुजरात था इस किताब में मोदी जी ने गुजरात की राजनीती के बारे में बात की|उन्होंने आरएसएस के कार्यकर्ता रहते हुए 1980 गुजरात विश्व विधालय से राजनीती की डिग्री प्राप्त की आरएसएस में बेहतरीन काम को देखते हुए उन्हें भाजपा का प्रवक्ता नियुक्त किया 1990 में अयोध्या यात्रा का आयोजन किया और उस काम को बखूबी के साथ निभाया जिससे भाजपा के लीडर बहुत ही प्रभावित हुए काम करने से मोदी जी को बढ़ावा मिलता गया आखिरकार मोदी जी मेहनत बहुत रंग लायी|
 1995 में मोदी जी ने विधानसभा चुनाव जितने में सक्षम रहे अपनी सरकार बना ली लेकिन मोदी से थोड़े झगड़े से शंकर सिंह बघेला ने रिजाइन दे दिया उसके बाद केशव भाई पटेल को गुजरात का मुख्यमंत्री बना दिया गया नरेंदर मोदी को दिल्ली बुलाकर भाजपा का केंद्रीय मंत्री की बाग़डोर दी जिसे मोदी जी ने बखूबी से निभाया|
 2001 में केशव भाई पटेल की तबियत बिगड़ने लगी थी जिससे भाजपा कई सीटों से हारने लग गयी थी अक्टूबर 2001 में केशव भाई पटेल की जगह नरेंदेर मोदी को गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री की कमांड सोप दी गयी|नरेंदर मोदी ने अपना मंत्री का कार्यकाल 7 अक्टूबर 2001 में शुरू किया इसके बाद राजकोट विधानसभा चुनाव लढा उन्होंने कांग्रेस पार्टी के नेता आश्विन मेहता को बड़े अच्छे से हराया मुख्यमंत्री पद पर रहते हुए उन्होंने अपना काम बहुत ही अच्छे से किया और गुजरात को और भी मज़बूत कर दिया उन्होंने गांव गांव तक बिजली पहुंचाई और टूरिज्म को बढ़ावा दिया देश में पहली बार ऐसा हुआ जिससे सभी नदियों को आपस में जोड़ा गया जिससे पुरे राज्यों को पानी मिल सकाएशिया के सबसे बड़े सोलोपार्क का निर्माण गुजरात में हुआ और इन सब के इलावा उन्होंने बहुत से और अच्छे अच्छे कार्य  किये गुजरात को देश का सबसे सूंदर राज्य बना दिया और खुद गुजरात के सबसे अच्छे मुख्यमंत्री बने लेकिन उसी दौरान 2002  मार्च  गुजरात के गोदरा कांड के लिए उनका नाम जोड़ा गया इस लिए मोदी प्रशासन को ज़िम्मेदार ठहराया गया फिर कांग्रेस सहित अनेक विपक्ष दलों ने अस्तीफ़े की मांग की|
 27 फरवरी 2002 को रेल गाड़ी में आग लगने की वजह से 60  लोगो की जान चली गयी थी जिसके बाद पुरे गुजरात में दंगे होने शुरू हो गए 28 फरवरी 2002 को दगो ने बहुत ही भयंकर रूप धारण कर लिया जिसमे 1200 से भी ज्यादा लोग मरे गए इसके बाद उच्तम न्यल्या ने इसके लिए विशेष बैठक बुलाई फिर रिपोर्ट के आधार पर फैसला बताया की इन दंगो में नरेंदर मोदी के खिलाफ कोई ठोस सबूत नहीं मिला नरेंदरमोदी ने गुजरात में मंदिरो को भी ख़त्म कर दिया इसके उन्हें विश्व हिन्दुओ का विरोध झेलना पड़ा उन्होंने इसकी थोड़ी स परवाह नहीं की मोदी को जो सही लगा वो करते रहे देश की सेवा के लिए उनके अच्छे कामो की वजह से लगातार 4 बार मुख्यमंत्री बनाया जिसकी वजह से मोदी के कामो को देख कर मोदी जी को बीजेपी के नेताओ ने प्रधानमंत्रीनियुक्त 2014 में किया|जिसके बाद मोदी ने बहुत ज्यादा रोड शो किये जिसकी वजह से मोदी ने खूब प्रशंसा बटोरी मोदी के विकास कार्यो ने सोशल मीडिया से बहुत फायदा उठाया उन्हें बहुत वोट मिले जिसकी वजह से मोदी भारत के 15th प्रधानमंत्री बने| नरेंदर मोदी बहुत ही कम सोते है रोज़ 18 घंटे काम करते है वो अपनी माँ को बहुत प्यार करते है

Life Story Of Narendra Modi

Today, we are going to tell you about Prime Minister Narinder Modi Ji whose life has been very simple, born in a poor family, he has worked hard in his life today, he has reached this stage in the days of childhood when all the children When he is engaged in a jump, then Modi has supported his father and worked. Anyone who sold tea after going to the train's ribbons would have not even thought that they would be so many Big leaders will be made but friends will never have thought that we are capable of working hard.

Today, we will tell you about Modi Ji, from selling tea to becoming Prime Minister Modi Ji was born on December 17, 1950, in Mehsana district in Mumbai, Modi's place is in Gujarat, Narendra Modi's father's name was Damodar Modi. Mother's name is Hira Ben Modi. His family was very poor at birth.

Modi is one of the 6 children of his parents who come to the 3rd place. Modi's father used to set up a tea shop at the railway station in which Narender Modi used to sell his hand and sell tea in train coaches. The teacher also used to give full importance to his studies that Narendra Modi was weak in his studies but he used to raise violence in dramas and speeches, he was very interested in this work. The sector was spent with a few years Modi and yashodha Behn, according to a report given with their engagement yashodha sister Chaman Lal at the age of 13 years of their studies Word City and get married at the age of 17 years.

But after some time they will be different, but their writers believe that they are not ever assembled. After some years Modi had left the house, due to which Modi's marriage had shifted from his marriage, Narender Modi Ji believed that unmarried Humans will be able to fight more strongly against corruption. He does not care about his wife's family and children since childhood. When the war between India and China was fought in 1962, Modi used to take tea and food for the jawans at the railway station in 1965 when India and Pakistan fought.

Modi Ji served a lot of youth in 1971, he became an RSS pracharak, he started giving RSS most of the time, he got up at 5 in the morning and used to work late in the night, due to being a preacher, Modi Ji went to Gujarat Understood the importance of the difficulties and then played an important role in strengthening the Bharatiya Janata Party, during the time of 1975, in the state of Indira Gandhi, due to the dispute, many states had declared emergency Even then organizations like RSS were banned, but even then Modi continued to serve the nation stealing the stolen and opposed the wrong policies of the government. At the same time, Modi Ji wrote a book that was the struggling mother of Gujarat. In this book, Modi Ji Gujarat Talked about politics.

While being an RSS worker, he obtained the degree of political degree from the Gujarat University of Gujarat in 1980, appointed him a BJP spokesman in the best work in the RSS, organized the Ayodhya Yatra in 1990, and carried out the work with great effort, which led to a lot of BJP leader After the work affected, Modi got encouragement, after all, Modi's hard work brought a lot of colour.

In 1995, Modi made his government as capable in the assembly elections, but Shankar Singh Baghela gave a resignation with a few quarrels with Modi. After that Keshav Bhai Patel was made Chief Minister of Gujarat and Narendra Modi was called by the Union Minister of the Union Minister of Delhi. The rebel given by Modi Ji was done well.

 Keshav Bhai Patel's health began to worsen in 2001, which resulted in BJP losing too many seats. In October 2001, Narender Modi was given the command of the Chief Minister of Gujarat, instead of Keshav Bhai Patel.

Narendra Modi took his minister's tenure on October 7, 2001, after contesting the Rajkot assembly election, he defeated Congress party leader Ashwin Mehta with a great win, while doing his job very well, and Gujarat is much stronger. He gave electricity to the village and encouraged tourism, for the first time in the country, so that all rivers could be divided among themselves. An insect has so could get water to the entire state.

Asia's largest Solopark was built in Gujarat and in addition to these, he did many good works and made Gujarat the best state of the country and he himself became the best Chief Minister of Gujarat, but at the same time, in 2002, Gujarat's Godhra Kand His name was added so that the Modi administration was held responsible and then many opposition parties including Congress demanded resignation.

On February 27, 2002, 60 people lost their lives due to the fire on the train, after which riots began to take place all over Gujarat. Dago took a terrible appearance on February 28, 2002, in which more than 1200 people died. After this, the High Commissioner convened a special meeting for this and then decided on the basis of the report that no concrete evidence was found against Narendra Modi in the riots. Narender Modi also completed the temples in Gujarat. He had to face the opposition of the Hindu World. He did not care less about it. He did exactly what Modi used to do for the country, because of his good deeds, he made the chief minister four times, due to which Modi was seen by Modi Jee was appointed by the BJP leaders in the Prime Minister 2014.

After which Modi had done a lot of roadshows, due to which Modi praised Modi's development works very much from social media, he would get a lot of votes, due to which Modi became the 15th Prime Minister of India. Narender Modi sleeps very little, he works 18 hours daily.  They love their mother a lot.

Friday, February 22, 2019

President Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

Hello today, I am going to tell you today. Today, the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is celebrated as the birthday of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the former President of Indian philosopher and educationist 
Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan on the headlines of the day. Congress President Rahul Gandhi travels to Kailash Mansarovar Tweeted about and said that those people who come to Baba are called India's National Security Sal 
The person Ajit Dhabale said that the constitution for Jammu and Kashmir was a big thing to say was a big mistake to be a separate constitution. A major agreement was not done with the sovereignty of the country. 
Kanpur SP, Surinder Kumar, tried to take Zur Khakar's suicide, in serious condition, Surender Kumar 2014 batch The IPS officer of this is the art of front between the horny brothers who laid the foundations of Surendra Fortis. The small brother was a mess on the management. You always stay connected with us all the headlines.

Votes of Narender Modi in 2019

                         Votes of Narendra Modi in 2019

Friends are going to tell us today Narendra Modi will talk about Narendra Modi's Votto 2019 in Narendra Modi's Modi rally in 2019. In every house, there will be a vote on a lotus and the people will continue putting a plaster on Rahul Gandhi's false dreams.

This is not what we are saying, but it is the talk of the Congress leader of the Congress that the Congress is going to score goals in its own right because Randeep Surjewala has given a controversial statement in which Rahul Gandhi will face many difficulties in the days to come. Actually, the matter is that Brahmin went to the address of the conference in Haryana.

 Randeep Singh Surjewala said that there is almost a Brahmin in the Congress team and we started the Brahmani, after which political reviewers termed it as the suicidal statement for the Congress. Let us tell you that RS has unified in Brahmin society since the beginning. 

This society will vote for Modi but the tribal can withdraw the vote of OBC and Dalit people, it is being estimated that Randeep Surjewal The statement offers Surjewala has spoken hidden Siyasat said, agent, if the BJP is not so sudden.

Talk to the public about the BJP alliance

Talk to the public about the BJP alliance

On one side, 2019 is the echo of Modi ji whose one's speech changes the equation of votes, whose election season changes with a rally; On the other hand, the coalition, which is standing in front of the BJP in every way, In the eyes of the public, the alliance will be the candidate for the post of prime minister, the friends will go for the same thing, for this matter, the people are talking to him, at this time we are on Lucknow's Prayag Narayan road.
 There is a lot of people on this, go there to talk to them, first of all, tell the chief who will be able to give BJP absolutely the alliance. In which the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samajwadi Party and the Congress had a coalition in which there would be no alliance with the coalition, Who can also become the Prime Minister, who will make you the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, what do you think the BJP will be huge or who will be the best prime minister in your eyes in the coalition, then people said that we will be very heavy because the coalition is less in the media Do you want to tell the Prime Minister whom the people do not answer? We do not want Modi to be the Prime Minister. They will not be defeated by the people of Gujarat. They will not be able to beat anybody. 

Talk to the public about the BJP alliance

If they do anything, they can not tell whether they are 850's calendar or not. Why is there so much why Rs. 1200 was in Congress time, why are they raising these questions? An opposition was in black, while never before Congress 350, 65 years ago, our grandfather had a bullock cart, and today the fortunes will never be able to come. The vacancy is not able to clear. So far, these people do not know what is going on, is not running. There is no proper lighting system. The slender has been made so expensive by the Modi government, and the medicines were available in government hospitals even before.
 It is not new that Modi has given these things that everything is expensive too. Tell us whether Modi government had given LPG cylinder Sheila Dikshit to BPL holders earlier too. If you have given any housing to such a number of years, Kashiram and Akhilesh have provided accommodation too but tell Modi, who has given accommodation to the house, in these dead years, what does it feel that in this coalition of Modi, who will come in a collision? Rahul Gandhi, who will be the BJP's opposition, will now be the Prime Minister, BJP says, Rahul Gandhi cannot do anything to us, then in your eyes angle will be in the 2019 elections Who will come forward for the post? 
Mayawati Akhilesh Mamta Banerjee Rahul Gandhi Sardar Pawar is such a very different name, tell me who will come for this post if you are given power and power and given this to you. Let's make you the prime minister of your choice, then whom you would like to trust, then I would like to be myself or I will have a close-knit mine that will make the claimant an angle.
 That we can not tell, but this time Rahul's name is going on the name of Mamata Banerjee and Mayawati is also Zoro then people say that she may Banerjee but Mayawati's Utrpradesh
What will happen to the country if Akhilesh or Rahul Gandhi want Mayawati for this post or not, why would these people want to see if they go to politics and say that we do not want to be Prime Minister, then in the elections of Chief Minister in 2022 But if he does, he will play Mayawati's game so that in the elections of 2022 he can say that we have proven to be loyalty and now our help in becoming the Chief Minister. If this is not correct, is it not the case that regional parties like sports like Mayawati and Mamta Banerjee? They are their regional problems, they have won them only. Akhilesh Yadav says that we will not be the prime minister, so everyone will say that I Not to be PM: Prime Minister wants all such things to come to bed and not to be too. If I talk about this, then what is there in Mayawati that Mayawati's Who will be the claimant for the prime minister's post in the coalition alliance? Akhilesh Yadav Mamta Banerjee Mayawati, Sirhad Pawar or any other or Rahul Gandhi or anybody else, these regional parties are not so easy to do anything for them, but then Rahul Gandhi will be the only person, he is telling himself to himself and then he can become an angle, then we have talked to the people on this matter, the public is completely in politics It had already entered can no steam in the public mind the friends we took the party and the public about the alliance that has given voice to your heart

Bollywood gives support to Prime Minister Modi BJP

Bollywood gives support to Prime Minister Modi BJP

Friends, as the election of 2019 is coming closer, Modi supporters have started speaking one time in favour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, not just BJP supporters and ordinary people, but also in Bollywood, the number of people who speak in favour of Modi Kangana Ranawat has given the latest statement in the favour of Modi from PM to Bollywood: 
Kangana Ranawat wants to re-elect Narendra Modi in 2019 This is not the only one who speaks in favour of Narendra Modi. Before that many stars have spoken openly in favour of Modi. Before Kangna Ranawat, Akshay Kumar has been speaking in the favour of Dabi Zuban.
 Many films of Akshay Kumar also have the government Plans are inspired by the plans and when there are occasions, Akshay Kumar speaks in support of Modi. Parsh Rawal, who is involved in Bollywood, She has come to speak at times and she has spoken many times in Modi's favour. Many of Paresh Rawal's conversations have also been viral.
 Salman Khan is also considered to be a Modi supporter before Narendra Modi and Salman Khan's kite flying in Gujarat before the 2014 elections. Priyanka Chopra has also been seen as a supporter of Modi, Priyanka Chopra, PM Modi at the moment. In such a situation, Priyanka can also be countered in questions arising from Modi's supporters in Bollywood. 
Bollywood gives support to Prime Minister Modi BJP

Anupam Kher also speaks in favour of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his wife Kiran Kher is also a BJP MP, Anupam Kher Talking in the accountant and songwriter Prasoon Joshi is also counted in favor of Modi. Prasun Joshi also speaks in favour of Modi Madhur Bhandarkar also speaks Shri is a saying in close that when Madhur Bhandarkar chance to get even some time in the coming elections, Modi came to speak in favour but with side and strong voices slowly rising in opposition

Pakistan government has auctioned that vehicle auction ?

Pakistan government has auctioned that vehicle auction ?

Friends are going to tell us about the vehicles being sapphire made by the Pakistan government, going through a lot of money, the Pakistan Prime Minister is going to auction the luxury vehicles present in the house.
 There are many expensive, including BMW and cruiser SUV in the auctioned trains. It has to do some bolts, including the cash of the cash, Pakistan has made such a decision to stop the expenditure of Pakistan According to AA, there are 8 carriage BMW in the fleet of these luxurious vehicles, out of which three are from the 2014 model, the SUV has three suits of 3000 models of 3000 SUV with two 2ooo models. 
Pakistan government has auctioned that vehicle auction ?

This model has four Mercedes car models of two 4000 cc Toyota has 16 kara apart from it, one of them is the 2004 Luxus car of 2006's Lux SUV and two of 2004's Land Cruiser. Eight cars have a model from 2003 to 2013, keep the four carrier deserted in the 2015 model. Will go to 1800 cc Honda and three Suzuki vehicles, as well as they have a 1994 model car including the auction of trains on September 17, after assuming the post of Prime Minister Imran Khan on 18th August while retaining its commitment to reduce government spending. 
He is living with his two servants in the three-room house of his military secretary, he had announced that he would not be staying in the huge prime house, where 524 staffers and 80 people Eda's

India will beat China due to economic system

India will beat China due to economic system

Friends, All You Know About Mukesh Ambani Mukesh Ambani, who is Asia's second-richest person, has said that India can become a five-radian dollar economy in the next seven years and you know this figure is 10 billion dollars in 2030 Even with this statistic, 

India will overtake China within the twenty-first century. It is also worth mentioning that the official Union Minister Suresh Prabhu also said that coming to India Reliance Industries Chairman and MB Mukesh Ambani said that when I went through this forum 13 years ago when India was a $ 500 million economy. In 2004, I had said that in 20 years, India will have five

India will beat China due to economic system

 A hundred trillions of dollars will become the economy and even today I can say that the goal will be achieved before 2024. Today is as much as $ 2.5 trillion of India India 

The sixth largest economy, India can triple the economy of seven trillion dollars, that is, not only that we can become an economy of 10 trillion dollars by 2030 and at the same time we also reduce the inconvenience between India and China and USA.

 Mukesh has said that in the 17th century, India and China were the most developed countries of the world, for 300 years, the world has been patching up the western world, but today the development of the world. The command is once again in the hands of India and China. Mukesh Ambani has a prediction on this. 

He said that I want to predict that until the 21st century India will go beyond China in terms of progress. He said that not only India, China Will be overturned but India will become a centre of attraction for the world.

BJP government has waited for 2019 elections

BJP government has waited for 2019 elections

Friends, do you know that BJP believes in the 2019 elections as much as you want to know Bollywood because of the contact and support campaign that BJP is currently running. If you see within a recent week, then all Bollywood actors The BJP is trying to reach out to the targets and they are being given information about the schemes of the BJP and the Modi government. It has the first name, Madhuri Dixit.
 You will remember that Amit Shah, who is the BJP President of BJP, had met Madhuri Dixit a few days ago and there was a lot of talk of Amit Shah and Madhuri Dixit in this meeting. 

BJP government has waited for 2019 elections

Modi government had given four years of achievement ahead and urged him to tell the people about the achievements of these four years of the BJP government. Nithin Gadkari, who is the Central Road and Transport Minister himself, has met Nana Patekar, he has talked to Nana Patekar quite a long time, and it was also described as a part of BJP's contact and support. In this meeting, Nana Patekar From Nitin Gadkari, you have requested that you are the people who know who you are, you can go out of their way to propagate the BJP government and not only Tina Gadkari has met Salim Khan and when Salman Khan's father Salim Khan was rescued, Salman Khan was also present at that time. 

This meeting also has long gone, you also know that before Narendra Modi and 2014 elections The close proximity of Salman Khan was seen when both kites were seen flying, after this, Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister Yogi Aditya Nath met Sanjay Dutt. Under the booklet of the work done by the BJP government in four years, in this book, what Modi government has done for the country in four years in this book, how to prepare for the poor, the complete information is recorded in it, clearly defined and correct development. 

The slogan is given and the name of that book has been given to all the people, to the knowledge of the intellectuals and intellectuals. Try to add, whether it is the national president Amit Shah, whether he is the central minister of the government or all senior BJP leaders or all senior BJP leaders should also tell you what is the contact for support campaign. 
Actually, the Bharatiya Janata Party's 4000 Leaders have been given this responsibility to the main worker, to go to more than one lakh people and go on talking about the Modi government. It has been given to all the party workers, to the Booths of the President of India, to the Booths, in the 5000 workers, the Chief Minister of the Union Ministers BJP ruling states, Deputy Chief Minister MP, MLA, till date, the district panchayat member mayor has been included till senior organization officer In addition to this, besides the prime minister's leadership, The government has been given the responsibility of reaching its achievements to the intellectuals and to the people.

 However, you also know that there was a longstanding connection between BJP and Bollywood, whether it was Vinod Khanna before Smriti Irani started, you also know that BJP There were MPs from Babul Supriyo. Now you know that he was MP from BJP and if we find out then many such names will come, BJP will once again try. The 2019 support Bollywood she will gain the throne of Delhi

Modi government's announcement to make changes in India in 2019

Modi government's announcement to make changes in India in 2019

Friends are coming out with a big news right now, just four months from now, i.e., September-October, November and December 2019, you will see a huge change. 
For the first time in India, a special plan of the Modi government and This big news came out for the Indians under a new scheme which every Indian must know. 
Friends, all of you know that our prime minister of India Since Narendra Modi ji has become the Prime Minister since then, we have taken decisions from the Aadhar card, taken from many major decisions for Indians to notebooks which were taken for the first time in history and were also very beneficial for the Indians.
 Now look forward to you. What Modi government is going to bring and benefits, Modi will soon give another special news to the countrymen and in reality, the Modi government is promoting from the Economics side and it's For bringing a special scheme in front of people.

About the elections of people coming to Jaipur ?

Friends today, we are in the capital Jaipur of Rajasthan. To the people of Jaipur, a very popular place, please come to the people of the people, know the people here about the upcoming assembly elections.

And after talking to some people, we came to know that the heart of the people of the country is beating, for Modi ji and most people want to conquer Modi, some people have voted to win the Congress, but most of the people have won the BJP. Talked about.

Where people are, Modiji has done the work after becoming the Prime Minister, he has not been in the last 70 years. So most people are ready to cooperate with BJP and every other person has told BJP better than Congress. But just some of the teachers of Jaipur are complaining about the BJP, they are saying if BJP will do our work, then we will also support BJP.

Some young people said good to the education process of the BJP, the youth said that now the vaccines which Modi has received are very beneficial for the youth. The people of Jaipur have voted to win the Congress and the BJP according to their own accord.

 In view of the opinion of the people, BJP seems to have got the chance to win the assembly elections. In the same way we will go to other states and go to the polls I will continue to get information about which party is going to win which election is going to win